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The Social Department, headed by Gwenaëlle Artur, was ranked "Highly Recommended" in “Employment Litigation”, and “Recommended in the categories "Collective Bargaining” and “Social aspects of M&A labor force audits” by Décideurs Magazine - Groupe Leaders League for 2021-2022. Thank you to our clients for their continuous trust and loyalty.

Sharing the same technology - full peer-to-peer - and the same philosophy - freedom of expression through the communication secrety - France en Ligne and Twinlife have decided to come together in order to create the first global European messaging system. The merger now includes 15 million users worldwide with a new user every 10 seconds. Steering Legal assisted Skred, with Nuno de Ayala Boaventura, Partner, and Agathe Martin in corporate.

Here our local team from Steering Legal in UAE comments on the potential consequences of a Court of Cassation judgment appearing to against a well-established legal and judicial principle, by which the rulings from the Court of Cassation are considered final, binding, and superior to the considerations of public ...